Well it’s that time again !
We have, at least, this year managed to restrain ourselves until the very end of October. Now, with the doormat invisible underneath piles of seasonal junk mail and the more organised friends or relatives already asking “so, what do you want for Christmas?”, we have been forced to act.
Not for us, though, the standard Christmas fare (or fair, or even, if you must, fayre – on that point we really could not bring ourselves to use ‘Xmas’ even though it would help the Google rankings, other than just this once). Below we bring you a seasonal themed presentation of gifts.
However, before that, more seriously, fossils and minerals really do make amazing and unusual presents. Each one is genuinely unique, and they range from exquisite small specimens to major sculptural pieces to fit in to almost any interior design as well as suiting any budget, both for him or for her.
In particular the fossils are all millions of years old – part of our very history and evolution – how amazing is that ! Children especially are just fascinated by fossils, and whilst there are fantastic museums to see major specimens they can’t touch, leave alone own, any of those. They are not necessarily very expensive – we have sharks’ teeth and fossilised fish for under £20. For the older child (we do mean the adults here) the fascination is still there as they get older, that includes even the most devout technophile with all their gadgets.
So, now, the Charlotte Bailey Fossils & Minerals Twelve Days of Christmas …
On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me …
Twelve citrine calming
Orthoceras striping
Fossils for keeping
Amber entrancing
Eight crystals twinkling
Sea urchins swimming
Dinosaurs laying
Five gold things
Four ancient turds
Quartz crystal lens
Lapis with love
And nautilus from antique sea !